Apartheid Clyde Can't Stand on Business...
If yall white supremacists really that tough, why you always copping a plea?
I’m not interested in engaging in debate with Conservative Commenters about whether he in fact intended to throw up the Nazi Salute or if he’s just excited to spread his hand as has been claimed.
The fact is he threw up a Bat Signal for White Supremacists.
Watch the video for yourself.
Homie bites his lip, touches his chest, and then fires it off… TWICE. There’s malice and intent and it’s served it’s purpose. This is via Rolling Stone
But what cracks me up is how Elon tries to cover it up by saying “my heart goes out to you” after. If you’re really such a tough guy, why don’t you stand on business? Isn’t that what Conservatives are about?
You want to run America like a business. You want it to be the wealthiest nation. You want to implement policies that further White Supremacy, but why you can’t stand on business?
Why is this Nazi dressed like Bram Stoker’s Sommelier?
Why are White Supremacists always wearing hoods?
If you really bout it, why don’t you show your face and stand on business? Own your opinions if you really believe in them and actually engage people.
As I’ve said in previous posts, I’ve interviewed a lot of bullshit ass white supremacists. Most of them start the conversation in a cordial way trying to make their political points that are usually some cocktail of: anti-immigration, anti-government, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-women’s rights, pro-business, pro-masculinity, etc, etc. They present it as an objective political platform until you present the issues with their positions and how it would negatively impact not only society but actual business as well.
Then they devolve into stereotypes about how women don’t belong in the work place, black people are more prone to commit crimes, but Asian women are great because they’re genetically pre-disposed to being subservient to men. I’m not making this shit up, these things have been said to me ON CAMERA.
But once you accept all their bullshit at face value and ask them WHY? They get angry.
I’ve experienced it three times. They get really mad when you ask simple questions like “WHY?” as if you’re trying to trap them. They know that the ideas and opinions they have are not widely accepted and it angers them because in their minds they think it’s so obvious.
When you don’t affirm this for them, they explode.
Jared Taylor got mad and told me he voted for Trump to “slow the dispossession of whites”.
When a passer-by challenged them about immigration, members of Fourza Nova in Sicily got up from an interview and called plainclothes cops that were friendly to their cause to take my footage. They couldn’t debate him on the merits, they just threw up their arms and called in the goons.
In Vice Is Broke, I interview Gavin McInness who passes his opinions off as a joke or a political view. Meanwhile, there’s a Hitler Doll in his office.
These men are all extremely frustrated because they feel that they can’t hold these opinions in public. They go on and on about the first amendment and the right to bear arms, but the truth is that no one is stopping them! They are absolutely allowed to have these opinions, but the fact is that they know they’ll be rejected by a large segment of society. The pool of women available to them shrinks as well as their opportunities.
No one is stopping these men from being themselves. They just don’t want to pay the social cost.
They refuse to stand on business…
But Apartheid Clyde, you got more money than anyone bro so why are you copping a plea talkin’ bout “my heart goes out to you”?
Richest man in the world and all we get is next level divorced dad energy.
Yo Eddie, are we not gonna talk about how the ADL simply waves off Elon's Sieg Heil?
I've seen so many media companies say it is an awkward salute or gesture. Does he get a pass simply because he is the richest person in the world?
Even all these conservative people basically loving this right now because it made libs upset, or saying that he is autistic. I have an autistic sibling and he doesn't turn into a Nazi or start saying racist things when he has an emotional swing. Like Elon is supporting a Neo Nazi party in Germany right now as well.
I don't understand this stuff, like I know most of it is bad faith and they'll never stop supporting people who support MAGA, but they have no standards. Just own you are a hateful bigot. Don't hide it. Elon be a king, own it!
Thanks for being real and calling out stuff when you see it and keeping it real. We need more of your energy in the world.